Sunday, February 20, 2011

Gay Hotels Are So Gay

I've written here in the past about the English hotel that was found guilty of discrimination against a gay couple. Now the Equality and Human Rights Commission is investigating gay-only hotels to see if they are also guilty of discrimination against straight people.

Oh, my goodness. 

To me it's a bit like shutting down a racist white pride group and then going after a few black groups just to be fair. Here's the thing: there are some things that minority groups, especially ones who suffer from constant discrimination and hostility, can get away with. 

Miron and I stay at regular hotels. If it's a small one we ensure to make it clear that we're a gay couple when booking to prevent any problems at check-in. But I can see why some gay couples would rather go to a gay-only hotel, a place where they can relax and be themselves without worrying what the people around them might think or say if they happened to hold hands or, God forbid, kiss in public.

I don't think barring straight people is necessary. In 2006 we went on a gay cruise to Alaska and while the majority of the passengers were gay men, there were also some lesbians and a very small group of straight friends and family members of other passengers. It was quite refreshing to be on this little bubble where gays were suddenly not the minority. I think just stating that a place is gay-friendly or gay-targeted is enough to repel homophobes.

Little secret: gay clubs and bars are full of hot straight women who go there to have fun without being constantly hit on by guys who just want a quick roll in the sack.

Alaska Cruise 2006 - I'm such a handsome devil
I think gay hotels will go out of business once discrimination and hostility towards gay people will be a thing of the past. Since that's not going to happen anytime soon, perhaps the watchdog can leave them alone for now? Especially since they admitted there's not even one single complaint about discrimination made against gay hotels in Britain EVER.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Introducing: Fabtastic!

One of the things that kept me busy and away from this blog is finally ready to be revealed:

Fabtastic, a kid-friendly comics series about a gay parented family. The first story is on-line for your reading pleasure. Please let me know what you think and feel free to spread the word if you like it!


Saturday, February 05, 2011

Two Years Without Kato

Kato & Baby Blake

Today two years ago Kato died, our first Great Dane. By us I mean Miron and me. Any other dogs in my life before Kato were my mother's responsibility. I wrote a big post about Kato and it just kept inflating to the point that I had to break it into chapters with lots of pictures. It would've been nice to have it ready for the second anniversary, but with the trip to Canada in the middle and other responsibilities I didn't really get the time to focus on it properly. Hopefully it'll be ready to share soon.

I haven't written about losing Kato until now because it was quite hard for me. The first few months without him were particularly brutal.

I still miss you dearly, Kato. Always will. Big doggie cuddles and kisses wherever you are.


Thursday, February 03, 2011

I'm Back (again).

We came back from our Toronto-Winnipeg trip on Tuesday, but we're all still jetf***ed, pardon my french. Poor Blakey wakes up late, goes to bed on time, but then wakes up in the middle of the night from his "nap". You can see the sheer confusion on his face. The grownups are doing slightly better, but only slightly. I might write a bit about our trip later on.

During the trip Blake has developed an obsession with what is possibly the gayest song in the history of the known universe: Part of Your World from the Disney's The Little Mermaid. I sang it to Blake from memory; he fell in love with it without ever hearing the original! It's so nice that when they are so young they have such low standards for quality. I'm not a terrible singer, but I suspect that if I sang it on American Idol Randy Jackson would make a face and say "Aaaaah... I don't know, dawg, that was a bit pitchy" (mostly because that what he says half of the time). Simon Cowell, if he was still around, would say "what a peculiar song choice, it was like hearing a zebra eating a cactus".

It used to be one of my favourite songs ever, but after singing it (what seems like) hundreds of times over the last couple of weeks it's dropping down the charts quickly.

Regardless, it's quite fun for me to interrogate Blake for his song choice. All the old favourites are refused with a playful "no" nod of the head.

"Wheels on the Bus?" No. "Itsy Bitsy Spider?" No. "I'm the Music Man?" No. "Old McDonald"? Hesitation... No.

"Look at This Stuff?" (the first line from the song). Blake slaps his wrist in approval and grins.

As I start singing his eyes open up in amazement and a warm smile spreads across his face. It is unbelievable for me that my singing will have that effect on anyone, but there it is: he is utterly captivated and hangs on to every word, melting .

I showed Blake the original song on YouTube and he liked it quite a bit. It was a relief because I was getting tired of singing it 3-4 times in a row by request. He still likes my version better, though! Suck on that, Jodi Benson!

Don't know how long it will last, but I'm enjoying my short singing career.

Here's the song in question. It's Jodi Benson's original from the Disney movie. I'd upload my own version, but I don't want to break the internet.
