Several episodes into Once Upon a Time and Miron is still
watching it with me, which is impressive. He’s far less tolerant of crappy TV
shows so if he hasn’t dropped it after a few episodes it means it’s really
good (for now). You can dedicate an entire graveyard for TV shows I started watching with
Miron and ended up following alone: Lost, Ringer, Desperate Housewives, Dexter, Glee. Well, actually I get why he stopped watching Glee and I should seriously stop mentioning that I watch that drek.
Anyhow, one of the main characters in that show is a kid who is convinced
that fairy tales are real and that all the residents of his hometown are famous
fairy tale characters who simply forgot who they were. The adult characters aren’t
quite sure whether his psychotic delusions are cute, creepy or a little bit of
both. To be honest, if at the age of ten Blake would be utterly convinced that
fairy tales were real and that our next door neighbor is Snow White I would be a bit worried too.
But here’s the thing, if the little boy was going on about God, Jesus, heaven and hell no one would bat an eyelid. If he
stated that he genuinely believes that all the stories from the bible really happened no
one will think it’s unusual. I
mean everything: Noah’s Ark, the creation of the world in six days, the ten
plagues of Egypt, zombie Jesus’s return from the dead. I am not even scratching
the surface here. The bible is full of more crazy stories than X-Files,
Supernatural, Buffy and Fringe put together. It puts the F in WTF (not sure
what that even means, but it sounds punchy).
I just find it odd that we tell children about God, angels,
miracles and biblical adventures that supposedly really happened and then
complain that they have an “active imagination” when they run with it and
suddenly insist they have an invisible friend, super powers and a monster under the bed.
I have religious friends and I respect their right to hold
whatever beliefs they wish to have as long as they don’t harm anybody. But can I be
friends with someone who believes in Snow White and the Seven Dwarves? Or even
worse – a Scientologist?! I don’t know.
This is quite odd considering I genuinely regard God and
Mickey Mouse equally real, yet I can be friends with someone who worships one, but
not the other.
Does that make me a bigot?
Seriously, where do you find the time to keep up with all these shows? Since Brase was born, I can hardly get through a single magazine article. An entire 30 minutes of television is out of the question, in my house. I dust the TV more than I watch to stupid thing. Keep posting I love your thoughts.
Best regards, Brandon
Here's the thing. I developed special skills to watch TV over the blaring noise of Angry Birds playing in my ear when Blake cuddles up to me with his iPod. I also got used to having tons of breaks, so the average one hour TV show takes me severl hours to go through.
Often Blake will go to sleep betwen eight or nine and then Miron and I can watch something together without any disturbance.
I also watch shows on mobile devices while commuting or sometimes even at lunch time.
That's how I roll. ♥
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