Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cheese Comics

A few days ago I brought back from the dead my old website, Cheese Comics. Even though the website was still on-line earlier this year, it hasn't been updated in about 6-7 years.

After graduating from University I teamed up with two fellow graduates and we printed our little comicbooks and posted them on our website. We went to a few comics conventions, but kinda gave up on it when we started pursuing our individual careers. 

Now we're making comics again and in preparation for the new stuff I'll be restoring the old content with a new design for the website. Some of the old material will become available on-line for the first time.

I'm fleshing out a little webcomic about my experiences and feelings as a gay parent, but it may take awhile before it'll be ready as I want to get it right.

Please check it out. Our material is quite diverse: you can read about an over-weight middle aged super hero mom, a foul mouthed little girl with a demented imagination, a penis private eye, various parodies and much more.

I intend to upload material on an almost daily basis for the next week or two. Any updates will be posted in the Cheese Comics Blog and the related Facebook group.

I hope you like it!



Mark said...

What, you're Gay? Who knew?

Mickey Blumental said...

Sorry, Mark. I didn't mean to come out to you like that. I should've told you before.

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