Thursday, July 22, 2010

Off We Go!

We're about to leave today in a couple of hours to pick up the dogs. We won't see them today, we're just driving over three hours to Wales and check into a nearby hotel in the afternoon. There's no point popping over for ten minutes and getting the dogs excited for nothing.

Tomorrow and on Saturday we'll be trained as well to know how to handle the dogs now and get homework to carry on training the dogs at home. Then we're off home on Saturday afternoon. There's a pool at the hotel so Blake will be pleased.

I can't wait. With each passing day I get more and more anxious without my puppies. Poor Dexter had some discomfort from his neutering operation and I wasn't there to comfort him (nor were his balls).

This is a picture of the dogs on the day we left them. They were understandably very confused and worried. 

I can't wait to give them both lots of hugs and kisses. Friday morning can't get here soon enough.



Mark said...

Have a safe trip. I'll just write down my Facebook questions and send them all to you on Monday. m.

Mickey Blumental said...

Got my iPhone with me so I have Facebook and internet access. I might even try to be adventurous and blog from my phone, who knows..?

jon said...

Have a fun reunion. Pets do have that effect on us for sure.