Friday, June 23, 2006

Puppy Love

I got back from my great trip last week, but didn't have much energy to write since I was still jetlagged. Over the weekend I'll try to write a mini-report and put some pictures.

I don't write much, mostly because I can't write about the really interesting things that going on in my life - for the following reasons:

1. It might jinx good stuff that might happen.
2. It's unproffesional to discuss projects at such early stages
3. Signed NDAs.
4. It's just stupid, OK?

But I found a way to inject life into my blog. Depending on how popular it will turn out to be, I'm starting a weekly comicstrip called Puppy Love. It's the adventures of my character from World of Warcraft, Puppy the Rogue.

If you play on the European server Venture Co and you want your character to have a cameo, please let me know.


1 comment:

Hala said...

You're such a clever son of a Basilisk! :D