I've never been to a Gay Parade before. I always thought they were crude events meant for loud attention seekers who think being gay makes them special. I was feeling strongly against the concept of "gay community" as I always felt I have much more in common with gamers or horror movie fans than with people who are sexually and romantically attraced to members of their own sex.
I never wanted to be defined by my sexuality and just live my life as a normal human being.
I got it all wrong, it didn't matter how I viewed myself as much as how others viewed me. There are many people in this world who believe I should die and eternally burn in hell because of who I am and many more who fight to prevent me from having equal rights. Even in the UK. A Jewish man can
marry a Christian woman so there's no real "religious" reason for preventing gays from marrying. Calling it "Civil Union" is another way to remind gays that they are second class citizens, not much different than walking around with a little pink triangle. It's a lot like the joke in South Park where married gay couples would have exactly the same rights, but will be refered to as "Butt Buddies".
There are many people who do fight for gay rights and I should help when I can. I'm not going to become the new
Peter Tatchell, but I'll do what I can. I'm starting small by volunteering to be a Steward at the
parade this Saturday. My friend Jane is joining me and I explained to her that, no, she doesn't have to pretend to be Lesbian to help!
I went to the briefing last Saturday and they covered most of the issues we will have to deal with. I'm sure it's going to be a very interesting and very tiring day.
In conclusion, the more I think about, the more I realize that gay parades piss off all the right people. So yay!