I stumbled upon this beautiful website. It will make you cry if you have a heart. Or at least almost cry. Or at the very least contemplate the possibility of crying.
The premise is very simple: people hold old pictures and superimpose them over the location in the present, creating a cool looking visual with an emotional punch. Please do check the website, but here are my three favourite pictures to give you a taste:

Dear photograph, dad never took a picture of me, ever. Then I noticed his reflection in the glass.

Dear photograph, can you tell him to turn around? I wanna see that cute little baby face again.

Dear photograph, we outgrew our clothes, but never the visits with you, daddy.
Actually these are not really my favourite three pictures. I liked many more, but decided to only choose three rather than just strip off most of that website and recreate it here in one blog post.
The website is touching for various reasons, but mostly for reminding us how fast time goes by and how before we know it our present will become our past. A past we long for when we never truly appreciated it when we originally lived through it.
How long before Blake will abandon any toddler traits and then suddenly plunge into adolescence? All of a sudden this magnificently cute and beautiful creature will cease to exist outside of pictures and videos, replaced by a sultry door slamming teenager. At least we have pictures and videos, I suppose. The poor cavemen must have sat by a cave wall and sighed heavily at scratchy drawings of their little ones who were now young little men hunting Mammoths and Sabre-toothed Tigers.
I don't for a second wish for Blake to be frozen in time. I want him to grow up and experience all the amazing stages of childhood. I want him to make life-long friendships, to fall in love, to travel the world and see amazing sights, to fulfill his dreams, to have a satisfying career, to have children and grandchildren. To get the collector's edition boxset of Six Feet Under. For all of that to happen time must move forward and Blake needs to grow up and age.
Besides, it's not like anybody cares what I wish. It's going to happen anyway. No one can freeze time (expect for that chick from Charmed, but she's not real).
I want Blake to grow up and kick my ass playing videogames. I want him to wow me with new things he can do and eventually surpass me in many areas. Nothing will make me prouder.
But I won't deny that I am saddened by the idea that one day the only way for me to spend time with the current version, Blake 3.1, will be through pictures. I am already forever seperated from Blake 1.0 and Blake 2.0.
Blake is asleep now, but I'm sure he won't mind if I'll sneak over for a quick cuddle.