Saturday, September 29, 2007

Holy crap, we're pregnant.

We're pregnant. We are now actually pregnant. The start of a new life is always amazing, but it is even more so when you never really think it will happen to you.

Being gay I never really knew what the future will bring. There aren't that many gay role models for young gay people to look up to, certainly not many that have their own family and children. Being gay, you kinda think that is the sort of priviledge kept for straight people. When I was a teenager my plan was to come out of the closet once my mother passed away. The idea that I will be openly gay and bring my partner home to meet my parents was as real to me as becoming a rock star. And now I'm going to become a father and get married... That is the sort of thing that makes me genuinly believe that's absolutely anything can happen. Well, except for becoming a rock star (though I might just about pass through one stage on X-Factor).

This hasn't really sunk in yet, to be honest. I keep telling myself that in a few months a new human being will join our family and life will never ever be the same again.

I haven't been writing at all in my blog this year because I didn't have much to write about. Most of the interesting things I was going through were some drama at work and outside and various projects I can't discuss on my blog due to confidentiality and common sense. Though with a baby on the way, all those "exciting" things suddenly look so unimportant and silly.

Being a gay couple having our own biological children we'll be facing many unique obstacles and problems over the next few years and I think it'll be nice to share those concerns and worries (and hopefully solutions).

We've only started on our path and I'll be doing some catch up with what we've been through so far in the next few posts.

Pregnant. Wow. I keep repeating that enough times, it might eventually really sink in!
